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Database connections

There are two ways to connect to your data warehouse. One through Zenlytic for your official reporting, and one locally in the same way you connect with dbt (if you use dbt).

Zenlytic connection#

To set up your database connection in Zenlytic you'll go to your workspace settings


Then you'll click on the "+ Add Connection" button under the connections tab.


You'll fill out your connection information, making sure you set the Connection Name to the name you'll reference in your data model's model file.


Local connection#

To set up your local connection you'll follow the same setup that you follow for dbt profiles

You'll create a profiles.yml file in a directory called .dbt in your home directory (where your terminal opens to), if you don't already use dbt. If you use dbt, this file already exists and you can connect to whichever profiles you have currently set up.

A fully set up profiles.yml would look like this:

my_dbt_profile: # This is the name referenced in the zenlytic_project.yml file  target: dev  outputs:    dev:      type: snowflake      account:      user: myuser      password: 1234extremelysecurepassword      role: myrole      warehouse: mywarehouse      database: mydatabase      schema: myschema